In the eerie and suspenseful thriller "Dark Skies" directed by Scott Stewart, the Barrett family, consisting of Lacy (Keri Russell), Daniel (Josh Hamilton), and their…
The Indian Tamil-language police procedural thriller film "Cadaver" (2022) directed by Anoop Panicker and written by Abhilash Pillai delves into a perplexing murder case that…
In the 2009 American fantasy film "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant," viewers are taken on a thrilling journey inspired by the Vampire Blood trilogy…
In the movie "Carriers," a deadly virus threatens to annihilate humanity, forcing four friends - Danny, Brian, Bobby, and Kate - to embark on a…
In the horror movie "Cabin Fever," directed by Eli Roth and written by Eli Roth and Randy Pearlstein, a group of five college friendsāPaul, Karen,…
Inspired by the real-life experience of producer-director Bharat Jain, "6-5=2" is a gripping horror film that delves into the harrowing tale of a fatal trekking…