"Bullitt County," directed and written by David McCracken, takes viewers on a thrilling journey set in the Kentucky mountains in 1977. The film follows four…
Set in the town of Rockbridge, "Christine" revolves around the story of a nerdy high school student named Arnie Cunningham, brilliantly portrayed by Keith Gordon,…
In the movie "Dean," directed and written by Demetri Martin, viewers are taken on a heartfelt journey through the lives of a father and son,…
In Lee Chang-dong's 2018 masterpiece, "Burning," viewers are drawn into a haunting world of love, innocence, and lurking danger. The film follows Jong-su, a young…
In the movie "Brick," directed and written by Rian Johnson, the audience is taken on a gripping journey into the underworld of a high school…
"Catfight" is a 2016 American black comedy film directed and written by Onur Tukel, starring Sandra Oh, Anne Heche, and Alicia Silverstone. The movie delves…