The biographical drama film "Brain on Fire" directed and written by Gerard Barrett is based on Susannah Cahalan's memoir "Brain on Fire: My Month of…
In "Boom," the 2003 film directed by Kaizad Gustad, the glamorous world of fashion collides with the dangerous underworld of crime. The story follows three…
In the movie "Bodyguard," directed by Siddique, the story revolves around Lovely Singh, played by Salman Khan, a dedicated bodyguard who is hired by Sartaj…
"3 Seconds Divorce" is a poignant 2018 Hindi-language documentary that sheds light on the harrowing practice of instant divorce, also known as triple divorce, prevalent…
"Born in Gaza" is a poignant documentary that delves deep into the lives of ten Palestinian children, showcasing how violence has irrevocably altered their existence.…
In the Bollywood classic "Bobby," directed and written by Emilio Estevez, the audience is transported into a tale of young love that defies societal norms.…