In the gripping film "Chronicle of an Escape," directed by Israel Adrián Caetano, viewers are transported to a dark chapter in Argentina's history during the…
In the movie "Crazy People," advertising executive Emory Leeson, played by Dudley Moore, faces a crisis when his unconventional approach to advertising leads to a…
"Dangerous Lies" is a riveting thriller directed by Michael Scott and written by David Golden. The film follows the story of Katie, played by Camila…
In the science fiction short film "Carbon" released in 2017, viewers are transported to a futuristic Earth in the year 2067, where carbon is abundant…
Chip, a trailer-dwelling and sewage-pumping man, finds himself deeply infatuated with his girlfriend, Liza. When Liza suggests a plan to steal $68,000, Chip agrees to…
In the haunting and psychologically gripping film "1922," directed by Zak Hilditch and released in 2017, viewers are taken on a dark journey into the…