In the thrilling movie "Cop Car," directed by Jon Watts and written by Jon Watts and Christopher Ford, two young boys, Travis and Harrison, stumble…
In the movie "Carriers," a deadly virus threatens to annihilate humanity, forcing four friends - Danny, Brian, Bobby, and Kate - to embark on a…
In the movie "Brick," directed and written by Rian Johnson, the audience is taken on a gripping journey into the underworld of a high school…
In the horror movie "Cabin Fever," directed by Eli Roth and written by Eli Roth and Randy Pearlstein, a group of five college friendsāPaul, Karen,…
Inspired by the real-life experience of producer-director Bharat Jain, "6-5=2" is a gripping horror film that delves into the harrowing tale of a fatal trekking…
In the movie "Chernobyl Diaries," directed by Brad Parker and produced by Oren Peli and Brian Witten, a group of six young American adults embarks…