"40 Sticks," a Kenyan-produced thriller directed by Victor Gatonye, takes viewers on a gripping journey with ten hardcore criminals, nine of whom are on death…
"Compulsion" is a gripping tale that delves into the dark depths of human nature, exploring the consequences of obsession, manipulation, and murder. The story follows…
In "Consequences," a poignant Slovenian drama directed by Darko Stante, the audience is taken on a journey through the tumultuous life of 18-year-old Andrej. The…
In "The Cave," directed by Bruce Hunt, a group of cave-divers and scientists embark on a perilous journey to explore a newly discovered cave system…
The Nigerian political drama film "4th Republic" directed by Ishaya Bako delves into the complexities of politics, corruption, and gender-related issues faced by women in…
"Dark Places" is a gripping drama directed by Gilles Paquet-Brenner, based on the novel by Gillian Flynn. The story follows a woman named Libby who…