In the gripping drama "6 Balloons," directed and written by Marja-Lewis Ryan, viewers are taken on an intense journey through the streets of Los Angeles…
"Darna Mana Hai" Directed by Prawaal Raman, "Darna Mana Hai" is a 2003 Indian Hindi-language anthology horror film that offers a unique and refreshing take…
In "Case 39," social worker Emily Jenkins, portrayed by Renée Zellweger, takes on the case of a young girl named Lilith Sullivan, played by Jodelle…
"Dil Chahta Hai" is a heartwarming Bollywood film directed by Farhan Akhtar, released in 2001. The story revolves around the lives of three inseparable childhood…
Set against the backdrop of the tumultuous Punjab of the 1980s, "Chauthi Koot" is a poignant portrayal of the human experience during a time of…
"Daddy Day Care" follows the story of two men, Charlie Hinton and Phil Ryerson, who find themselves laid off from their jobs in product development.…