Set in the backdrop of the 2016 Indian banknote demonetisation, "Choked: Paisa Bolta Hai" is a gripping tale directed by Anurag Kashyap that delves into…
In the Netflix comedy stand-up special "Coco y Raulito: Carrusel de ternura," directed by Raúl Campos and Jan Suter, viewers are treated to a delightful…
"Dangerous Lies" is a riveting thriller directed by Michael Scott and written by David Golden. The film follows the story of Katie, played by Camila…
In the sci-fi action thriller "Code 8," directed by Jeff Chan and released in 2019, a crime syndicate known as the Trust floods the streets…
"Dear Zindagi" directed and written by Gauri Shinde is a refreshing take on the complexities of life and relationships, starring Alia Bhatt and Shah Rukh…
In the heartfelt Mexican comedy-drama "Dad Wanted," we follow the story of 10-year-old Blanca, played by Natalia Coronado, a rebellious and spoiled girl who finds…