"Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story" is a captivating documentary that delves into the extraordinary life of the renowned Hollywood movie star and brilliant inventor, Hedy…
In the Marathi film "Bogda," directed by Nisheeta Keni, viewers are taken on a poignant journey through the strained relationship between a mother and daughter.…
"Brampton's Own" is a heartfelt drama directed and written by Michael Doneger, who also co-produced the film alongside Mark DiCristofaro. The movie stars Alex Russell…
In the heart of bustling Hong Kong, the 2014 romantic comedy "Break Up 100" takes us on a whimsical journey through the tumultuous love lives…
In "Bollywood Calling," directed by Nagesh Kukunoor, the audience is taken on a humorous and eye-opening journey into the inner workings of the Indian film…
Set in a small New Jersey town on the fateful night of Orson Welles' 1938 "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast, "Brave New Jersey" unfolds…