"Captive" is an American documentary series that premiered on Netflix on December 9, 2016, offering viewers a deep dive into the world…
In the romantic comedy "Couple of Days," directed by Tolu Lordtanner and produced by Ayo Orunmuyi, three couples embark on a getaway…
In the comedic realm of stand-up, Colin Quinn delivers a unique and thought-provoking performance in "Colin Quinn: Unconstitutional." Filmed live in Tarrytown,…
In "Cleopatra Jones," the 1973 American blaxploitation film directed by Jack Starrett, Tamara Dobson shines as an undercover government agent who cleverly…
In the 1993 film "A Dangerous Woman," directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal and based on the novel by Mary McGarry Morris, the audience…
In the bustling and dangerous slums of Rio de Janeiro lies the City of God, where the paths of two young boys…