In the riveting movie "Concussion," viewers are taken on a captivating journey following the remarkable true story of Dr. Bennet Omalu, a…
In the heart-pounding disaster film "Dante's Peak," directed by Roger Donaldson and written by Leslie Bohem, viewers are taken on a thrilling…
"Closed Circuit" is a 2013 political thriller drama film directed by John Crowley and written by Steven Knight. The movie stars Eric…
In the 1993 film "A Dangerous Woman," directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal and based on the novel by Mary McGarry Morris, the audience…
In the action-packed and thrilling movie "Desperado," Mariachi, portrayed by Antonio Banderas, embarks on a dangerous journey into the treacherous world of…
In the 2016 American comedy-drama film "Chronically Metropolitan," directed by Xavier Manrique and written by Nicholas Schutt, viewers are taken on a…