In the thrilling movie "Cop Car," directed by Jon Watts and written by Jon Watts and Christopher Ford, two young boys, Travis…
In the movie "Brick," directed and written by Rian Johnson, the audience is taken on a gripping journey into the underworld of…
"Carrie Pilby," directed by Susan Johnson and based on the novel by Caren Lissner, follows the story of Carrie, a 19-year-old Harvard…
Based on the beloved children's novel by E.B. White, "Charlotte's Web" tells the heartwarming tale of Wilbur, a young pig destined for…
"Catfight" is a 2016 American black comedy film directed and written by Onur Tukel, starring Sandra Oh, Anne Heche, and Alicia Silverstone.…
In Stanley Kubrick's cult classic "A Clockwork Orange," the audience is introduced to Alex, a young English hoodlum who leads a gang…