In the Filipino teen romantic comedy-drama film "Crazy Beautiful You," directed by Mae Cruz-Alviar, we are introduced to the rebellious 19-year-old Jackie,…
"Carrie Pilby," directed by Susan Johnson and based on the novel by Caren Lissner, follows the story of Carrie, a 19-year-old Harvard…
"Catfight" is a 2016 American black comedy film directed and written by Onur Tukel, starring Sandra Oh, Anne Heche, and Alicia Silverstone.…
"Bulbul Can Sing" Directed, written, produced, and cinematographed by Rima Das, "Bulbul Can Sing" is a poignant coming-of-age drama that delves into…
"Call Me Francis," also known as "Chiamatemi Francesco," is a compelling 2015 Italian biographical film directed by Daniele Luchetti. The movie chronicles…
In the heartwarming Turkish comedy-drama film "Çınar AÄŸacı" (2011), directed by Handan Ä°pekçi, viewers are taken on a touching journey of family…