In the Danish political drama series "Borgen," viewers are taken on a gripping journey through the tumultuous world of Danish politics, where…
Yuma, a twenty-three-year-old manga artist with cerebral palsy, is the heart and soul of the Japanese film "37 Seconds." The story revolves…
Boys Over Flowers TV Show is a captivating drama that revolves around the life of Geum Jan-di, a courageous and determined girl…
In the movie "365 Days" directed by Barbara BiaÅ‚owÄ…s and Tomasz Mandes, we are introduced to the protagonist Laura, a successful sales…
"Bonus Family" is a Swedish drama series that delves into the intricacies of relationships when two families merge into one. The storyline…
In the heart of Egypt, a tale of enchantment and resilience unfolds in the captivating movie "Boushkash." Directed by Ahmed Yousry and…