Set in the backdrop of 1950s New York, "Carol" is a poignant tale of love and resilience that unfolds between two women…
In the heartwarming movie "Christmas in the Heartland," directed by Harvey Lowry, viewers are taken on a festive journey of friendship and…
Charlie's Angels, directed by Elizabeth Banks, follows the thrilling adventures of three talented and tough female private investigators who work for the…
In the age-old battle between felines and canines, one rogue kitty is stepping up the fight. Kitty Galore, former operative for MEOWS,…
"Can't Hardly Wait" is a nostalgic throwback to the classic teen films of the 80s, capturing the essence of coming-of-age experiences in…
In the small town of Corsicana, Texas, the intense and driven head coach Monica Aldama leads her squad of competitive college cheerleaders…