In the thrilling movie "Cop Car," directed by Jon Watts and written by Jon Watts and Christopher Ford, two young boys, Travis…
Derren Brown's intense documentary, "The Push," delves into the chilling depths of human compliance and manipulation. The central premise revolves around an…
In the Filipino teen romantic comedy-drama film "Crazy Beautiful You," directed by Mae Cruz-Alviar, we are introduced to the rebellious 19-year-old Jackie,…
Chal Bhaag is a 2014 Indian Hindi-language action-comedy film directed by Prakash Saini and produced by Mohammad Zaheer Mehdi, Fatima Zaheer Mehdi,…
In the horror movie "Cabin Fever," directed by Eli Roth and written by Eli Roth and Randy Pearlstein, a group of five…
In the heart-wrenching documentary "Defying the Nazis: The Sharps' War," viewers are taken on a gripping journey back to the brink of…