In the heartwarming Turkish comedy-drama film "Çınar AÄŸacı" (2011), directed by Handan Ä°pekçi, viewers are taken on a touching journey of family…
In the animated fantasy film "Coraline," viewers are introduced to 11-year-old Coraline Jones, who finds herself adjusting to life in the Pink…
"Burn Out" directed by Yann Gozlan is a gripping action-thriller that takes viewers on a high-octane journey through the gritty criminal underworld…
In the movie "Camera Store" (2017), directed and written by Scott Marshall Smith, the story unfolds on the eve of the transition…
In the movie "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," directed by Richard Brooks and based on Tennessee Williams' 1955 play, the audience…
In the American romantic musical comedy-drama television series "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend," viewers are taken on a whirlwind journey through the life of Rebecca…