"Closed Circuit" is a 2013 political thriller drama film directed by John Crowley and written by Steven Knight. The movie stars Eric…
Champions: A Story of Family, Laughter, and Unexpected Twists In the heart of Brooklyn, New York, the charismatic gym owner Vince Cook…
"Dhanak" is a heartwarming and enchanting fable directed by Nagesh Kukunoor, which takes viewers on a visually stunning journey through Rajasthan. The…
In the gripping period drama series "Damnation," created by Tony Tost, viewers are transported to the bleak backdrop of 1931 Iowa during…
Dark Chocolate is an Indian Bengali crime thriller film directed by Agnidev Chatterjee, inspired by a true event that unfolds a high-profile…
"Dil Hai Tumhaara" is a heartwarming tale directed by Kundan Shah that delves into the intricate relationships between family, love, and sacrifice.…