“Brother” delves into the intricate lives of brothers Francis (Aaron Pierre) and Michael (Lamar Johnson) as they navigate the challenges of growing…
In "Christopher Robin," directed by Marc Forster, the audience is transported into the heartwarming tale of a grown-up Christopher Robin, played by…
Set against the backdrop of the notorious gang wars of the late nineties, "Daagdi Chaawl" spins a gripping tale of a common…
In the riveting documentary "Cop Watchers," viewers are immersed in the intense world of activists dedicated to shedding light on police brutality…
In the 2016 American comedy-drama film "Chronically Metropolitan," directed by Xavier Manrique and written by Nicholas Schutt, viewers are taken on a…
"De Palma" is a captivating 2015 American documentary film directed by Noah Baumbach and Jake Paltrow that delves into the illustrious career…