In the heartwarming drama "Dad Movie," viewers are taken on an emotional journey as they witness the evolution of relationships within a…
Set in the eerie backdrop of 1960s Taiwan during the oppressive period of martial law known as the White Terror, "Detention" is…
Cake Movie unfolds the poignant tale of Claire Bennett, portrayed by Jennifer Aniston, a former attorney grappling with the aftermath of a…
"Carrie Pilby," directed by Susan Johnson and based on the novel by Caren Lissner, follows the story of Carrie, a 19-year-old Harvard…
"Catfight" is a 2016 American black comedy film directed and written by Onur Tukel, starring Sandra Oh, Anne Heche, and Alicia Silverstone.…
In the sequel to the 2015 hit film, "Chocolate City: Vegas Strip" takes the audience on a wild and entertaining journey with…