Set against the backdrop of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Nigeria, "93 Days" directed by Steve Gukas is a gripping tale of…
In the early 1980s, a delightful and captivating animated television series called "Danger Mouse" took the United Kingdom by storm. The show,…
Set in the town of Rockbridge, "Christine" revolves around the story of a nerdy high school student named Arnie Cunningham, brilliantly portrayed…
Dear Santa Movie is a heartwarming romantic drama directed by Jason Priestley that follows the story of Crystal Carruthers, played by Amy…
In the compelling documentary film "Counterpunch," directed by Jay Bulger, viewers are taken on a gripping journey into the world of boxing…
"Catch Me If You Can," directed by Steven Spielberg and based on the true story of Frank Abagnale Jr., takes the audience…