"Crashing" is a witty and engaging comedy series that follows the lives of a group of 20-something tenants who become property guardians in a disused…
In the thrilling episode 5 of "Curon," viewers are plunged deeper into the eerie mysteries surrounding the cursed town. The story unfolds with a haunting…
In the heartwarming Malaysian drama series "Cinta Teruna Kimchi," viewers are taken on a captivating journey of love, friendship, and cultural exchange, set against the…
"Dark Tourist" is a gripping New Zealand documentary TV series that delves into the intriguing world of dark tourism, hosted by journalist David Farrier. The…
"Criminal: Germany" is a gripping German-language police procedural anthology series that delves into the intense dynamics of interrogations. Created by Bernd Lange and Sebastian Heeg,…
Set in the vibrant music scene of 1960s Madrid, "45 rpm" is a Spanish drama TV series that takes viewers on a journey through the…